Monday, December 2, 2013



Regardless of the personal coaching and work that you do, the clearings you perform and receive -

Do you discover yourself repeating stories to yourself or others- about your experiences and the certain truth of what others did, felt, thought? Do you experience that powerful certainty – that you are right, that you have been wronged by others, not supported by others? That whatever they did, whatever space they hold, that it did not look like love, feel like love? Certain that you know the heart of another?

I have been witness to the way my thoughts contribute to feelings of unhappiness, self diminishment and judgment of others.I have observed these same corrosive thoughts play out in the relationships within my own family. I have also been gifted to see within the families of others and my own, the powerful way the unfinished business of ancestors, siblings, and parents can become the voice of the present- so that the higher self temporarily disappears in the 3d personality of unfinished ancestral legacies and bitter feelings of abandonment and betrayal. 

I recently read 4 simple sentences that can support you and I to “surrender and heal” to let go of stories, grudges and imagined wrongs. 4 simple sentences that support you and I to become our own personal coach, to support our own spiritual growth and development. Here is life wisdom in 4 simple sentences¹.

I am sorry
I was wrong
I don’t know
I need (would appreciate) help 
Put the suit on, use these sentences with consciousness and awareness see what unfolds within.
¹ Penny, Louise;Bury your Dead

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